Friday, April 3, 2015

What is Agape?


Agape love is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional, and never ending.
This love is not the kind we have for our neighbor. It is not the kind we give to our friends and family. This is not the love that is shared in a marriage between a man and a woman.
Agape love is the kind of love that poured out of our Savior, Jesus Christ, as He suffered on the cross. Agape love is the type of love that God gives us daily, no matter what.

John 10:17
"Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again.

I read something on Pinterest (the most successful time killer out there if you are unaware) that reminded me of God's love for us. It said, Love is not "if" or "because", love is "anyway" and "even though" and "in spite of". WOW. God does not love us IF we do what He says, God does not love us BECAUSE we are good and faithful... God loves us IN SPITE OF the things we do wrong, and EVEN THOUGH we fall short and make bad decisions. And when we stray away from Him for a time or become completely lost altogether, He loves us ANYWAY.

Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

God is not surprised by us, we do nothing to shock Him, we have no secrets from Him. He knows all, sees all, and hears all. AND HE LOVES US ANYWAY!!!!!
 That's what agape love is.
If God loves us so much, that, knowing that we would all fall short or sin or stumble, He STILL sent His Son to die for us...why can't we love Him back?
All He wants is our hearts. How wonderful is that?! 
How wonderful is that agape love He has for us?!

It's easy to get caught up in this world and lose sight of our Father and His word. We become concerned with what we'll be doing this weekend, the "to do" list that we have, the "he said, she said" gossip, relationships, our schooling, our jobs, our social lives...
We forget the One who made all of that possible, the One who (agape) loves us.
Our Father in heaven.

Romans 8:38-39
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

Give Him your heart, that's all He wants. Obey His word and follow Him.
When you focus on Him and His love for us, everything else falls into place.
He died for us, let's live for Him.
He gave up His life, let's give up our hearts.
Let's love Him the way He loves us.
Agape love.


(Picture: Pinterest)

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